[j-nsp] port-mirror with source inside routing-instance type vrf

Michael Hare michael.hare at wisc.edu
Tue Oct 11 10:37:47 EDT 2022


Cluebats appreciated, I can contact JTAC on this but am trying to avoid the timesink of opening a case.

Topic is filter based port mirroring for family inet with the wrinkle being that I'm trying to mirror traffic from inside "instance-type vrf".   I've done this countless times before successfully [including today as a sanity check] with source being in global table.

So far I've tried putting the output interface both inside the same VRF and in global; no traffic seems to mirror.  What is the correct stance?  Yes, I've tried to prime the macaddr pump with ICMP from the mx10003 doing the mirroring.

I am aware of mirroring "family any" but am unsure if that applies here, as the source interface I am trying to mirror is edge of VRF and doesn't have family mpls on the logical interface of interest.

I'm confident the traffic I want to mirror is hitting my filter term based on incrementing counters.

Lightly sanitized config below. 

# I confirmed this is attached to the interface of question and counters are incrementing.
            term mirror-2 {
                then {
                    count :mirror:all;
                    port-mirror-instance uw;
                    next term;

show forwarding-options     
port-mirroring {
    instance {
        uw {
            input {
                rate 1;
            family inet {
                output {
                    interface xe-0/0/4:2.3124 {

show chassis      
fpc 0 {
    port-mirror-instance uw;
    sampling-instance ins1;

show interfaces xe-0/0/4:2 | no-more 
mtu 9192;
encapsulation flexible-ethernet-services;
unit 3124 {
    description "mirror test";
    vlan-id 3124;
    family inet {

and then I've put xe-0/0/4:2.3124 inside and outside the relevant routing-instance as tests.


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