[j-nsp] CVE-2023-4481

heasley heas at shrubbery.net
Wed Aug 30 12:09:09 EDT 2023

Tue, Aug 29, 2023 at 03:42:41PM -0700, David Sinn via juniper-nsp:
> A network I operate is going with:
>         bgp-error-tolerance {
>             malformed-route-limit 0;
>         }
> The thoughts being that there is no real reason to retain the malformed route and the default of 1000 is arbitrary. We haven't really seen a rash of them, so adjusting the logging hasn't proven needed yet.

It does seem arbitrary.  retaining all seems like a better choice,
operationally.  allowing the operator diagnose why a route is missing;
show route .... hidden.

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