[j-nsp] MX304 Port Layout

Saku Ytti saku at ytti.fi
Sun Jul 2 04:42:52 EDT 2023

On Sun, 2 Jul 2023 at 11:38, Mark Tinka <mark at tinka.africa> wrote:

> So all the above sounds to me like scenarios where Metro-E rings are
> built on 802.1Q/Q-in-Q/REP/STP/e.t.c., rather than IP/MPLS.

Yes. Satellite is basically VLAN aggregation, but a little bit less
broken. Both are much inferior to MPLS. But usually that's not the
comparison due to real or perceived cost reasons. So in absence of a
vendor selling you the front-plate you need, option space often
considered is satellite or vlan aggregation, instead of connecting
some smaller MPLS edge boxes to bigger aggregation MPLS boxes, which
would be, in my opinion, obviously better.

But as discussed, centralised chassis boxes are appearing as a new
option to the option space.


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