[j-nsp] MX304 Port Layout

Saku Ytti saku at ytti.fi
Tue Jul 4 03:11:02 EDT 2023

On Tue, 4 Jul 2023 at 08:34, Mark Tinka <mark at tinka.africa> wrote:

> Yes, I watched this NANOG session and was also quite surprised when they
> mentioned that they only plan for 25% usage of the deployed capacity.
> Are they giving themselves room to peak before they move to another chip
> (considering that they are likely in a never-ending installation/upgrade
> cycle), or trying to maintain line-rate across a vast number of packet
> sizes? Or both?

You must have misunderstood. When they fully scale the current design,
the design offers 100T capacity, but they've bought 400T of ports. 3/4
ports are overhead to build the design, to connect the pizzaboxes
together. All ports are used, but only 1/4 are revenue.


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