[j-nsp] Junos 21+ Killing Finger Muscle Memory...

Mark Tinka mark at tinka.africa
Wed Jul 12 04:49:16 EDT 2023

So, this is going to be a very priviledged post, and I have been 
spending the last several months mulling over even complaining about it 
either on here, or with my SE.

But a community friend sent me the exact same annoyance he is having 
with Junos 21 or later, which has given me a final reason to just go 
ahead and moan about it:

tinka at router> show rout
'rout' is ambiguous.
Possible completions:
   route                Show routing table information
   routing              Show routing information
tinka at router>

I'm going to send this to my Juniper SE and AM. Not sure what they'll 
make of it, as it is a rather priviledged complaint - but in truth, it 
does make working with Junos on a fairly historically commonly used 
command rather cumbersome, and annoying.

The smile that comes to my face when I touch a box running Junos 20 or 
earlier and run this specific command, is unconscionably satisfying :-).


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