[j-nsp] Junos 21+ Killing Finger Muscle Memory...

Mark Tinka mark at tinka.africa
Wed Jul 12 11:46:02 EDT 2023

On 7/12/23 15:45, Jeff Haas wrote:

> You don't need to tell my fingers that. __
> With the infrastructure as it is, the only "solution" is we stop adding things.  Good luck with that.
> The general here is the explosion of keywords.  I have about 15 features sitting in my backlog that are small things to do to bgp policy.  The policy stanza is already a mess.
> ... and that's not including the work to let users match on flowspec filter components.
> The CLI could be taught to not include certain auto-completions as a user-profile, locally, with hints from TACACS, etc... but it means we get into an inconsistent user experience.
> Feel free to spend some collective thinking time on what a "this would suck less" solution would look like.  I suspect that the competing opinions on what to do will eventually involve a cage fight match.

Will any of these issues register significantly on Juniper's roadmap of 
how to make customers happier? Likely unlikely.

Will it stop customers from buying Juniper gear. Even more likely unlikely.

Does it hurt to ask? Nope.


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