[j-nsp] MX304 Port Layout

Mark Tinka mark at tinka.africa
Thu Jun 8 13:13:33 EDT 2023

On 6/8/23 18:39, Giuliano C. Medalha wrote:

> but you have the flex model. With license for capacity and features. 
>  Advanced and Premium.

Which isn't a new thing with vendors. The prices are just terrible, even 
with discounts.

> fib is better now - 12M
> sampling rate for ipfix is better too.
> but you have other parameters for mpls and bng too

Yes, like I said, increased Trio capacity aside, it's straight forward. 
Just not sure the price is justified. I expect a premium for custom 
silicon over Broadcom, but that seems excessive.

> But you need the correct drivers on Junos

Yes, that is assumed, of course, especially if you want to talk to a 
ROADM. There is varying support amongst vendors, but as with everything, 
they will converge in time.

> Juniper now has good prices ( common optics ) for 400G ( JCO part 
> numbers )

Mixing $vendor_name and "good optics prices" has always ended in tears.

> Low 40 km or maximum 80 km direct with ZR high power ( end of the year )


Our use-case is 100Gbps customer edge, so within the data centre.

We operate an optical network for anything longer than 80km.


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