[j-nsp] MX304 - Edge Router

Saku Ytti saku at ytti.fi
Wed Oct 25 02:01:38 EDT 2023

On Tue, 24 Oct 2023 at 22:21, Aaron Gould via juniper-nsp
<juniper-nsp at puck.nether.net> wrote:

> My MX304 trial license expired last night, after rebooting the MX304,
> various protocols no longer work.  This seems more than just
> honor-based... ospf, ldp, etc, no longer function.  This is new to me;
> that Juniper is making protocols and technologies tied to license.  I
> need to understand more about this, as I'm considering buying MX304's.

Juniper had assured me multiple times that they strategically have
decided to NEVER do this. That it's an actual decision they've
considered at the highest level, that they will not downgrade devices
in operation. I guess 'reboot' is not in-operation?

Notion that operators are able to keep licenses up-to-date and valid
is naive, we can't keep SSL certificates valid and we've had decades
of time to learn, it won't happen. You will learn about the problem,
when shit breaks.

The right solution would be a phone-home, and a vendor sales rep
calling you 'hey you have expired licenses, let's solve this'. Not
breaking the boxes. Or 'your phone home hasn't worked, you need to fix
it before we can re-up your support contract'.

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