[j-nsp] Difference in "MX204" and "MX204-HW-BASE"?

Richard McGovern rmcgovern at juniper.net
Thu Jan 11 08:36:20 EST 2024

Hopefully not enforced!! Just FYI, but one of the advantages of Flex SW License scheme is ability to move license from one SN to another. In License Portal you “should” be able to revoke an applied Flex license and then apply that Flex license to another SN. You should then me removing the license from the revoked device.

Now as to whether this actually works, especially in all cases, I do not know.

Regards, Rich

Richard McGovern
Sr Sales Engineer, Juniper Networks

I’d rather be lucky than good, as I know I am not good
I don’t make the news, I just report it

Juniper Business Use Only
From: chiel <chiel at gmx.net>
Date: Thursday, January 11, 2024 at 8:14 AM
To: Richard McGovern <rmcgovern at juniper.net>, Tom Beecher <beecher at beecher.cc>
Cc: juniper-nsp at puck.nether.net <juniper-nsp at puck.nether.net>
Subject: Re: [j-nsp] Difference in "MX204" and "MX204-HW-BASE"?
[External Email. Be cautious of content]

On 10/01/2024 22:41, Richard McGovern wrote:
Hopefully this helps, and explains a little of the history of how MX got to where it is today, and beyond.

Thanks for the insight! this helps :)

As I only need it for spare I will probably just go for the MX204-HW-BASE and ignore the warning messages if I ever need to use it. Good to know that its not (yet) enforced.

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