[j-nsp] Junos EVO RE Filters

Saku Ytti saku at ytti.fi
Wed Jun 19 13:41:21 EDT 2024

On Wed, 19 Jun 2024 at 20:35, heasley <heas at shrubbery.net> wrote:

> And enemy of security is lack of effort?  Current BMCs would be
> a step backward, imiho.  I wish they were better; a lot of
> potential..

What is the benchmark? Is benchmark NOS fate-sharing control-plane
ethernet? Or RS232? How do they outperform arbitrarily insecure BMC? I
wouldn't trust the BMC for security at any rate, the MGMT LAN would be
as closed as SSH to RS232, with 0 expectation that on the RS232 side
there is any security.

I don't think security is important at all here. I want to be able to
bring the box up quickly, when it dies, without sending people on the
field. I care much more about availability of service, than security
(and I don't think trade-off is being made here actually), because
availability you can measure, security mostly you can't, it's
astrology for men.


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