[Outages-discussion] Anyone aware of problems around Chicago (I believe)?

Larry Sheldon LarrySheldon at cox.net
Fri May 1 09:59:48 EDT 2009

Jeremy Chadwick wrote:

> Please do not reply to my request with something terse -- take the time
> to explain, technically, why ICMP time exceeded (type 11) should be
> altogether blocked or de-prioritised.

As hard as it may be to believe, I don't know how to make it 
sufficiently wordy....

The reasons you give, as preached by consultants, instructors, and such, 
coupled with a large population of PFY's who have no idea -- "Its always 
been like that".

> Then again, maybe this is a better discussion for NANOG.

Seems like I got chased off of NANOG for that.

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