[Outages-discussion] [outages] FB down?

Larry Sheldon LarrySheldon at cox.net
Mon Apr 26 07:23:38 EDT 2010

On 4/25/2010 23:17, James Hess wrote:

> Given all facts,   to  respond with  "Who cares?"   to  report of a
> major outage   borders  on abusive.

Mea culpa.  But the flesh is weak, the urge to defend the small who are
paying their share is strong.

I also wonder--how many reports of "the dam is breaking" should we
ignore before it becomes big enough to mention[1]?

> Whoever sent that "Who cares?"   message was  responsible (IMO) for a
> stream of  predictable  replies occuring  that would have made it very
> difficult to find any actual followup posts regarding the technical
> details of the actual  [outage].

I _did_ move the conversation here on my first reply.

[1]  http://tinyurl.com/237ssxs

Somebody should have said:
A democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner.

Freedom under a constitutional republic is a well armed lamb contesting
the vote.

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Eppure si rinfresca

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