[Outages-discussion] BGP issues on December 6th

Jared Mauch jared at puck.nether.net
Mon Dec 9 13:25:01 EST 2013

On Dec 9, 2013, at 1:03 PM, Florian Lohoff <f at zz.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> On Mon, Dec 09, 2013 at 09:58:24AM -0800, Richard Hicks wrote:
>> I was told by Charter a large BGP routing updated caused memory issues on
>> some of their routers.
>> I haven't had a chance to look into further.
> We saw it on ASR9k Trident cards with full routing and default profile.
> Complained about resource constrained cef mode, not adding cef
> routes but only deleting.

I'm sure those folks that hit the 512k limit in various platforms (or are close to) will see ongoing issues.

Here's my "view" of the table from a few devices:

inet.0: 480263 destinations, 4865788 routes (479441 active, 30 holddown, 428851 hidden)
              Direct:     15 routes,     14 active
               Local:     10 routes,     10 active
                 BGP: 4865009 routes, 478663 active

inet.2: 9654 destinations, 33774 routes (9653 active, 0 holddown, 327 hidden)

inet6.0: 18604 destinations, 161515 routes (18591 active, 9 holddown, 610 hidden)
              Direct:     20 routes,     12 active
               Local:     18 routes,     18 active
                 BGP: 160884 routes,  17968 active

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Router#show route ipv6 sum

Route Source    Routes    Backup    Deleted    Memory (bytes)
local           55        0         0          9020        
connected       51        4         0          9020        
static          6         0         0          1248        
bgp 65000       17978     577       1          3113496     
isis router     591       5         0          110504      
Total           18681     586       1          3243288    

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Router#show route ipv4 sum

Route Source    Routes    Backup    Deleted    Memory (bytes)
local           80        0         0          10880       
local LSPV      1         0         0          136         
local HSRP      2         0         0          272         
connected       76        4         0          10880       
connected ICPE  1         0         0          136         
static          27        0         0          3912        
bgp 65000       479051    612       1          66309264    
dagr            0         0         0          0           
isis router     627       5         0          95732       
Total           479865    621       1          66431212   

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