[Outages-discussion] [outages] fb.me is down

Noel Butler noel.butler at ausics.net
Sun May 19 21:30:59 EDT 2013

Moved to discsussion!

(guys we are also on the same list, no need for personal copies)

On Sun, 2013-05-19 at 17:45 -0700, Constantine A. Murenin wrote:

> Actually, my own reason for not joining facebook is that, back in the
> day, they seemed to have required a registration to use any portion of
> the site whatsoever, and I didn't want to impose such contagious and
> exclusive conditions onto the people I want to share my content with.

My main gripe is they claim copyright on all content, thats BS, if I say
it/post it/upload it - *I* own copyright, not facebook!
That along with every other hopeless privacy invading option they offer.

Mike Hale wrote:
> Wait, a site that's dedicated to sharing your life isn't privacy
oriented?  You don't say.

(my life is shared enough amongst my real friends)

The problem also is, it has pathetic controls on who can see what,
history time and time again show their devs have no clue,
It has pathetic mail options, you can not fine grain it like twitter and
only get very specific mails, frankly IDGAF  if I "might know blah blah
blah" - if I know them, we would be friends, I dont need spam asking me.
I can stop em sure, but them I dont get personal msg notices...

The problem is, facebook think they are a  law unto themselves, that POS
place has been responsible for so much bullying, and IRL violence,
contributed to many suicides amongst youth around the world, and is not
only a US Govt spy treasure trove, its also theft identify organisations
best friend.

Yet the Govt permits it to exist likely for reasons mentioned above.
There are many countries that facebook would have been closed down or
sued into oblivion long ago, but thats' the good 'ol USA for ya.

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