[Outages-discussion] Issues with HE blaming a fiber but

Dovid Bender dovid at telecurve.com
Mon Apr 20 10:58:58 EDT 2015

We are still seeing on and off issues:

My traceroute  [v0.75]
Mon Apr 20 10:57:46 2015
Keys:  Help   Display mode   Restart statistics   Order of fields   quit

Packets               Pings
Loss%  Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev   Jttr Javg Jmax Jint
 1. ge2-20.core1.nyc5.he.net
0.0%   0.2   2.9   0.2  11.4   4.1    0.1  3.8 11.3 48.0
 2. 10ge9-7.core1.nyc4.he.net
0.0%   0.2   2.7   0.2  11.3   3.7    4.7  3.2 11.1 42.1
 3. 100ge5-1.core1.ash1.he.net
0.0%   5.3   7.6   5.2  15.9   3.3    1.9  2.9 10.6 37.0
 4. 10ge9-2.core1.par2.he.net
4.0% 224.6 317.3 216.3 2516. 468.4    3.7 99.9 2286 611.
 5. 100ge5-2.core1.fra1.he.net
0.0% 286.6 367.2 264.1 2415. 426.9   34.2 95.9 2147 632.
 6. te-6-4.edge-r.fra.de.cablenet-as.net
8.0% 229.8 235.9 223.9 381.5  31.8    3.9 15.0 152. 118.
 7. te-5-4.edge-r.mar.fr.cablenet-as.net
4.0% 302.4 294.2 274.3 314.7   9.8    1.7  9.6 32.2 109.
 8. pos-2-0-0.core-r.nic-east.cablenet-as.net
0.0% 325.4 319.6 295.2 337.2   9.8    5.1  8.3 34.8 104.
 9. v870.core-r.nic-west.cy.cablenet-as.net
4.0% 285.2 281.0 276.0 285.2   2.4    0.6  2.2  5.2 28.6
10. ge-1-0-0-0.access-r.nic-west.cy.cablenet-as.net
12.0% 331.1 321.2 303.4 335.5  10.0    8.8 11.3 29.5 143.
8.0% 335.6 323.3 298.9 336.2  11.9    1.2 12.9 34.3 150.

On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 9:40 AM, Ovidiu Stefan Botosaneanu <
ovidiu.botosaneanu at tikilive.com> wrote:

> There was packet loss and connectivity issues to HE from Europe (Romania)
> but at the time of this email they seem to be resolved.
> No longer seeing packet loss and connectivity issues.
>  2. 213-154-106-249.rdsnet.ro
>       0.0%   127    1.3   2.2   0.8   3.9   0.4
>  3. qr18.rdsnet.ro
>        0.0%   127   14.0  13.8  12.2  19.6   0.7
>  4. qr08.rdsnet.ro
>        0.0%   127   12.1  13.3  11.8  17.4   0.7
>  5. qr01.timisoara.rdsnet.ro
>        0.0%   127   14.2  16.4  13.1  31.3   2.5
>  6. xr01.budapesta.rdsnet.ro
>        0.0%   127   20.4  22.0  18.6 201.4  16.2
>  7. xr01.budapesta.rdsnet.ro
>        0.0%   127   19.3  21.9  18.5 142.5  13.4
>  8. bix.he.net
>        0.0%   127   20.3  20.9  18.3  30.2   2.4
>  9. 10ge1-4.core1.vie1.he.net
>       0.0%   127   26.8  28.0  25.4  40.3   2.9
> 10. 10ge1-4.core1.prg1.he.net
>       0.0%   127   37.5  39.8  37.0  49.7   2.9
> 11. 10ge15-3.core1.fra1.he.net
>        0.0%   126   45.7  44.0  37.0  51.4   3.3
> 12. 100ge5-2.core1.par2.he.net
>        0.0%   126   46.2  48.7  46.2  61.4   2.7
> 13. 10ge15-1.core1.ash1.he.net
>        0.0%   126  139.3 150.3 125.7 221.0  16.6
> 14. 10ge9-2.core1.pao1.he.net
>       0.0%   126  204.4 204.4 186.4 241.0  12.7
> 15. 10ge4-4.core3.fmt2.he.net
>       0.0%   126  209.6 210.8 186.9 307.3  22.4
> 16. green301.gobyt.net
>        0.0%   126  202.6 203.3 187.5 235.8  11.6
> 17. green309.gobyt.net
>        0.0%   126  199.8 203.6 187.6 234.2  11.8
> Cheers
> On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 4:33 PM, Dovid Bender <dovid at telecurve.com> wrote:
>> Does anyone know of a fiber cut over the Atlantic? We started seeing
>> problems at about 07:40 EST to Europe and Asia via HE. After alerting them
>> of the problem (we got the usual everything is fine here) they came back
>> saying there was a fiber cut between ASH and PAR with no ETA. Has anyone
>> had any reports of a but any where along those routes?
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