[Outages-discussion] [outages] dns cache flush request

Jeremy Chadwick jdc at koitsu.org
Sun Mar 8 12:02:03 EDT 2015

Despite the Email address and "name" being different, the *exact
same request* (same exact wording) was made in January, only for a
different FQDN:


My gut tells me that these are likely spammers, or more specifically
companies hired by spammers, signing up in hopes of harvesting
legitimate Email addresses.  (Looking at logs for what IPs did the Email
validation isn't helpful -- these kinds of outfits are all over the

And probably related: since November I have repeatedly received Emails
from random individuals asking the question "Would you be interested in
Cisco Users list or Industry specific List?", where the content varies
slightly (likely to avoid Bayesian filtering):

 157     11/10 01:24  Alice Smith         (8.9K) Cisco Users
 158     12/03 21:31  Becky Davies        (9.1K) Cisco Users
 159     01/07 07:42  Becky Davies        (9.1K) Cisco Users
 160     01/16 21:43  Jasmine Redmond     ( 12K) Cisco Users
 161     01/24 00:18  Sarah Carter        (6.6K) Cisco users
 162     02/05 05:41  Kitty Bonner        (9.7K) Cisco Users
 163     01/06 23:51  Amanda Brown        ( 15K) Cisco Users List

Welcome to the Internet circa, oh, late 90s.  :(

| Jeremy Chadwick                                   jdc at koitsu.org |
| UNIX Systems Administrator                http://jdc.koitsu.org/ |
| Making life hard for others since 1977.             PGP 4BD6C0CB |

On Sun, Mar 08, 2015 at 04:12:13PM +0100, Stephane Bortzmeyer via Outages wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 08, 2015 at 08:07:23AM -0500,
>  Frank Bulk (iname.com) via Outages <outages at outages.org> wrote 
>  a message of 145 lines which said:
> > Please provide the bad output and good, expected output.
> And send email from a proper address. And fix half of your name
> servers.
> % check-soa -i cabletel.net
> dns1.cabletel.net.
> ERROR: Timeout
> dns2.cabletel.net.
> OK: 60 (101 ms)
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