[Outages-discussion] [outages] AT&T Outages in TX, NE, IL, etc.

Frank Bulk frnkblk at iname.com
Wed Aug 31 11:58:45 EDT 2016

More here:

"AT&T's mobile switching office on Choctaw Drive, which contains the heart
of its cellular system, took on water, resulting in a network outage that
was as widespread as flooding in the Baton Rouge area."





From: Outages [mailto:outages-bounces at outages.org] On Behalf Of Keith Stokes
via Outages
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2016 11:42 AM
To: Peter Beckman <beckman at angryox.com>
Cc: outages at outages.org
Subject: Re: [outages] AT&T Outages in TX, NE, IL, etc.


Put the existing trailer(s) on a boat when needed. 


We know how to move equipment around in water. In fact, entire industries
are built around it. ;-)



On Aug 17, 2016, at 11:23 AM, Peter Beckman <beckman at angryox.com
<mailto:beckman at angryox.com> > wrote:


On Tue, 16 Aug 2016, Ben Bartsch via Outages wrote:

As far as we know, it was a single flooded CO on Choctaw that is
responsible.  We have heard zero information from AT&T as to what the cause
is or the ETR.  They simply state 'we have technicians staged and are
working on it'.  They brought in cell towers on wheels into Baton Rouge but
couldn't reach Livingston because the roads were flooded.  The roads have
been opened for about 16.5 hours now and service is still down.  A little
more transparency by AT&T would go a long way.

It might make sense for AT&T to develop a mobile barge/boat-based cell
tower, given all the flooding. If they can put a cell tower on wheels, they
can put one on a boat, make it float, secure it with extendable legs.

Or talk to Google about a temporary Project Loon hovering in the sky over
the area. Or Softbank.


Peter Beckman                                                  Internet Guy
beckman at angryox.com <mailto:beckman at angryox.com>
Outages mailing list
Outages at outages.org <mailto:Outages at outages.org> 




Keith Stokes



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