[Outages-discussion] Disturbance in the IPv6 force

Frank Bulk frnkblk at iname.com
Fri May 13 13:02:48 EDT 2016

I was not at my keyboard when it happened last night, but between 9:07 and
9:30 pm (U.S. Central) I received a bunch of alerts from our monitoring
system about European-based IPv6 sites:
w.t-home.hu (two AAAA's)

I also saw the same with www.frontier.com, which is hosted somewhere on the
east coast, and www.globalcrossing.com.  

I don't have any traceroutes from that time, but monitoring showed timeouts
(10 seconds) on HTTPv6 queries.

Anyone else see the same, or aware of something that happened at that time?


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