[Outages-discussion] Network outage on Cox, Telia, Verizon or OVH? 5am-6:22am UTC

Peter Beckman beckman at angryox.com
Mon Oct 1 22:52:27 EDT 2018

I'm trying to hunt down what might have happened between 5am and 6:22am UTC
(1am to 2:22am US Eastern Daylight Saving Time) on October 1, 2018.

Our records show that we lost the ability to see hosts FROM Cox to both
Telia in Chicago AND OVH in BHS Canada at roughly the same time.

We also have information that looks like OVH BHS was NOT able to talk to
Telia Chicago and vice versa.

There are several anecdotal reports on downdetector.com that seem to
correspond with the same -- was curious if anyone knew more or where else
to look to find more data.


Peter Beckman                                                  Internet Guy
beckman at angryox.com                                 http://www.angryox.com/

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