[Outages-discussion] HEADS-UP: anticipated Public Safety Power Shutoff in Northern California

Andreas Ott andreas at naund.org
Tue Oct 8 17:39:53 EDT 2019

The local utility PG&E is "probably" going to cut off power as a
precautionary measure, for up to 800,000 customers, as early as
4am Wednesday morning for an unknown length of time. The affected
areas are mostly residential, near the urban/wildland interface,
but this will affect cellphone, cell data and internet as well.


Their servers are already responding slowly or not anymore due to 
a lot more people than expected looking at these pages. There is
much more information available at local news outfits sites.

Andreas Ott   K6OTT   +1.408.431.8727   andreas at naund.org

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