[Outages-discussion] [EXTERNAL] [outages] Cellular Outage

Frank Bulk frnkblk at iname.com
Tue Jun 16 11:17:38 EDT 2020

I read a news report about Level3 backhaul, too, but CenturyLink refuted it.


Here are the two most page I’ve read so far:

“This is an IP traffic related issue that has created significant capacity issues in the network core throughout the day.”



“The network outage was related to the company’s 5G rollout, Deutsche Telekom AG Chief Executive Officer Tim Hoettges said in a press conference.”





From: Outages-discussion <outages-discussion-bounces at outages.org> On Behalf Of Nate
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2020 5:20 PM
To: Chapman, Brad (NBCUniversal) <Brad.Chapman at nbcuni.com>
Cc: OUTAGES Discussion List <Outages-discussion at outages.org>
Subject: Re: [Outages-discussion] [EXTERNAL] [outages] Cellular Outage


I'm hearing chatter it might be Level3 Back-haul provider is having issues. Can anyone confirm this? Or deny this?


On Mon, Jun 15, 2020, 3:24 PM Chapman, Brad (NBCUniversal) <Brad.Chapman at nbcuni.com <mailto:Brad.Chapman at nbcuni.com> > wrote:

Downdetector.com receives unfiltered, unreviewed submissions from the general public.  

Most of the data on this site has value, but there is also a lot of noise.  

When reporting an issue with the carriers, people have three choices: no signal, no calls, no data.  

Perhaps the reports on the other carriers is the result of customers calling a friend who has T-Mobile or Sprint, and the call did not go through.  They assume, erroneously, that it must be their own carrier's fault.


On 6/15/20, 1:53 PM, "Outages on behalf of Jay R. Ashworth via Outages" <outages-bounces at outages.org <mailto:outages-bounces at outages.org>  on behalf of outages at outages.org <mailto:outages at outages.org> > wrote:

    Ok, apparently this *is* affecting data. :-)

    This outage is affecting all 4 carriers, and in many states, according to 
    reports in a number of channels.  I have this from a Tampa local:

    This is because of an update in the systems from the Sprint side to help 
    merge with T Mobile. That happened from 12am-6am EST and Sprint's systems 
    clashed with T Mobile's. I'm glad I have off today.

    That's not going to esplain the other carriers' problems, of course, but...

    Now that everyone knows that everyone knows, let's keep the main-list traffic
    to either *actual ticket data*, or *actual clearance reports*; put everything
    else on -discuss, please.

    -- jr '</admin>' a
    Jay R. Ashworth                  Baylink                       jra at baylink.com <mailto:jra at baylink.com> 
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