[Outages-discussion] List trouble again?

Jared Mauch jared at puck.nether.net
Fri Jan 28 22:23:19 EST 2022

On Mon, Jan 24, 2022 at 01:05:10PM -0600, Andy Ringsmuth wrote:
> On the main Outages list:
> Am I the only one seeing the message from Chris Boyd about Zoom showing up multiple times but with the same timestamp? (in my case, 10:12 a.m. CST)

	Sorry for the late reply.  Not aware of a problem with that, but
there was a different issue with the DNS server used for anti-spam layer
of the system.  It's since fixed.

	- Jared

Jared Mauch  | pgp key available via finger from jared at puck.nether.net
clue++;      | http://puck.nether.net/~jared/  My statements are only mine.

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