[outages] Blackberry Email Troubles?

Sean Crandall sean at megapath.com
Thu Dec 17 10:57:11 EST 2009

There is a nationwide Blackberry BIS outage per




From: outages-bounces at outages.org [mailto:outages-bounces at outages.org]
On Behalf Of Richey
Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2009 6:29 AM
To: outages at outages.org
Subject: [outages] Blackberry Email Troubles?


I've had a couple of calls from customers asking if we are down (our
email servers) or if it's Blackberry that's down.      I've sent a few
test messages and they do not come to my BB but they do come to my
desktop.    The people who have called are on Verizon and are in the
Chattanooga, TN market.






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