[outages] USAD SIP Dropped Calls

Dan White dwhite at olp.net
Wed Apr 25 16:21:43 EDT 2012

We are receiving customer complaints of dropped calls on our USAD SIP
trunks. We are also noticing intermittent packet loss and high variability
in latency (according to ping/traceroute). Is anyone else experiencing

dwhite at quark:~$ dig +short -x
dwhite at quark:~$ ping -A -q -c 50
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

--- ping statistics ---
50 packets transmitted, 43 received, 14% packet loss, time 9992ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 46.929/153.021/512.515/119.183 ms, pipe 3, ipg/ewma
203.936/104.808 ms

dwhite at quark:~$ mtr --report -c 50
HOST: quark                       Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
   1.|--                   0.0%    50    0.6   1.8   0.5   3.6 0.8
   2.|-- olp-67-217-152-5.olp.net   0.0%    50    1.4   1.8   0.7  10.1 1.3
   3.|-- router.olp.net             0.0%    50    0.9   0.9   0.7   4.1 0.5
   4.|-- olp-67-217-152-34.olp.net  0.0%    50    1.2   7.0   1.2 277.4 39.0
   5.|-- ae5-694.edge9.dallas1.lev  0.0%    50    8.2   8.6   8.1  23.8 2.3
   6.|-- vlan80.csw3.dallas1.level  0.0%    50    8.1  11.8   8.1  20.5 4.2
   7.|-- ae-82-82.ebr2.dallas1.lev  0.0%    50    8.2   8.7   8.1  17.6 1.5
   8.|-- ae-2-2.ebr1.denver1.level  0.0%    50   22.6  25.8  22.5  34.3 4.3
   9.|-- ae-1-6.bar2.lasvegas1.lev  0.0%    50   41.8  44.9  41.8  95.8 10.9
  10.|-- ae-5-5.car2.lasvegas1.lev  0.0%    50   41.9  57.4  41.9 192.5 35.5
  11.|-- switch-comm.car2.lasvegas  0.0%    50   42.7  42.8  42.6  43.1 0.1
  12.|-- te2-6.las-core2-1.switchn  0.0%    50   42.9  51.6  42.6 239.4 35.7
  13.|-- te4-1.las-esw09.switchnap  2.0%    50   43.2  43.9  42.9  59.0 3.0
  14.|-- cust- 34.0%    50  142.4 381.9  99.8 1371.  283.3
  15.|-- cust- 64.0%    50  192.6 327.1 108.7 726.2 208.8

- Dan

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