[outages] Zayo issues in denver?

chris tknchris at gmail.com
Fri Dec 14 00:11:45 EST 2012

Ok sorry, the denver side for us is and the dallas
softlayer side for us is

You are right about different paths it appears that the route back is
direct via level3 instead of 360/zayo and same latency is present so
looks like more likely a softlayer issue?

trace from our dallas box(softlayer) to our denver box(greenhouse):
 2:  po101.dsr01.dllstx5.networklayer.com (     1.941ms
 3:  po51.dsr01.dllstx3.networklayer.com (    2.217ms
 4:  ae16.bbr01.eq01.dal03.networklayer.com (   1.719ms
 5:  ae0.bbr01.cs01.lax01.networklayer.com (  32.448ms
 6:  360.net.any2ix.coresite.com (        657.255ms
 7:  lax1-core-01-xe-0-0-0.360.net (           36.196ms
 8:  den1-core-01-ae0.360.net (               246.045ms
 9:  den1-edge-01-lag2.360.net (              asymm  8 271.648ms
10: (                          asymm  9 543.816ms
11:  CYSWYDC01ESW1-001-1-1.GREENHOUSEDATA.NET ( asymm 10
793.839ms reached

from denver box to dallas (mtr is all thats installed and cant install
anything else connectivity is too horrible)

      Packets               Pings

    Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev


     0.0%    17    0.3   0.3   0.3   0.4   0.0
 3. ge-6-13.car2.Denver1.Level3.net

     5.9%    17    4.6 121.9   4.6 417.4 116.1
 4. ae-21-52.car1.Denver1.Level3.net

     0.0%    17  101.9  25.2   2.9 140.6  40.6
 5. te1-5.bbr01.cf01.den01.networklayer.com

    43.8%    17  565.9 479.9 169.5 919.2 214.1
 6. ae7.bbr01.cs01.den01.networklayer.com

    37.5%    17  642.3 665.4 170.0 928.8 261.4
 7. ae12.bbr02.eq01.dal03.networklayer.com

    50.0%    17  1168. 650.2  95.4 1168. 391.4
 8. po32.dsr01.dllstx3.networklayer.com

    31.2%    17  423.9 643.3  80.0 1135. 368.2
 9. po101.dsr01.dllstx5.networklayer.com

    50.0%    16  347.1 814.1 347.1 1874. 508.6

thanks for pointing it out

On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 12:00 AM, Jeremy Chadwick <jdc at koitsu.org> wrote:
> Chris,
> You need to provide traceroutes from both directions.  The below is for
> Dallas --> Denver, but the return path (Denver --> Dallas) needs to be
> provided too.  You might find that the return path goes through some
> provider other than Zayo/360/Abovenet/whateverthey'recalledtoday.
> I know that's hard to do when the path has latency or packet loss (which
> you don't show in your results -- you only show latency), but this is
> exactly what a cronjob traceroute writing to a log file is for.  :-)
> My point: remember that routing on the Internet most of the time is
> asymmetric.  Reference material (read, do not skim):
> http://www.nanog.org/meetings/nanog47/presentations/Sunday/RAS_Traceroute_N47_Sun.pdf
> Finally, you didn't provide IP addresses of either server (in Denver or
> Dallas), so when you ask for "someone else to test", that's not easily
> doable, at least not to the endpoints involved (pinging routers is not
> sufficient evidence, sadly).
> --
> | Jeremy Chadwick                                   jdc at koitsu.org |
> | UNIX Systems Administrator                http://jdc.koitsu.org/ |
> | Mountain View, CA, US                                            |
> | Making life hard for others since 1977.             PGP 4BD6C0CB |
> On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 11:10:32PM -0500, chris wrote:
> > Seeing massive packet loss and high latency from 360.net (which appears to
> > be owned by zayo/abovenet/whatever) in denver....
> >
> > Here is a trace snip from our server @ softlayer in dallas to one of our
> > servers in denver
> >
> >  5:  ae0.bbr01.cs01.lax01.networklayer.com (  29.698ms
> >  6:  no reply
> >  7: (                            4588.320ms
> >  8:  den1-core-01-xe-1-1-0.360.net (          22583.831ms
> >
> > I only have one one server in denver that I can reproduce this with hoping
> > someone can else can test and reproduce similar issues
> >
> > thanks
> > chris
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