[outages] Parital iTunes Podcast Outage?

Daniel Staal DStaal at usa.net
Fri Jul 11 15:28:12 EDT 2014

--As of July 11, 2014 3:18:10 PM -0400, J Kibler via Outages is alleged to 
have said:

> It's very possible that the SSL cert the Apple servers use has expired
> and the underlying client application lacks proper error handling /
> display to handle this situation (e.g. popping up a UI telling the user
> that the comm protocol failed due to SSL library errors, and displaying
> that error result). You might be surprised how often this happens
> (companies not monitoring/tracking SSL cert expiry dates) -- it's
> extremely common.
> Sigh... Went back and tried pcap on a refresh several times, and got a
> ton of out of order and duplicate packets every time, followed by a fail
> like previous. I never saw the certificate but I did see several
> "Encrypted Alert" messages that Wireshark would not further detail.
> Jeremy, I will send you the small pcap off list if you don't mind, and
> maybe you can decipher what is going on.

--As for the rest, it is mine.

Possibly relevant: Apple released a new version of the iTunes client 
yesterday, to support some back-end features.  (Movie extras - obviously 
not directly related, but it means there were changes on both ends 

Daniel T. Staal

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