[outages] Charter Spectrum - "Nationwide" outage, packet loss between Spartanburg and Greeneville, SC

Duane Waddle duane.waddle at defpoint.com
Tue Dec 5 12:12:32 EST 2017

Support is "aware" and working the outage.  From here (Spring Hill, TN) ( to AWS us-west-2 ( I'm seeing about 25% packet loss between Spartanburg and Greeneville, SC:

 Host                                                                  Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
 1. rt-ac66r-d398.waddle.local                                          0.0%    25    1.2   1.5   0.9   2.2   0.3
 2. ???
 3. dtr02clmatn-tge-0-5-0-4.clma.tn.charter.com                         0.0%    25   11.0  11.6   9.7  19.3   2.5
 4. crr01jcsntn-bue-101.jcsn.tn.charter.com                             0.0%    25   13.5  14.6  13.2  21.5   2.1
 5. 96-34-119-141.static.unas.tx.charter.com                            0.0%    25   13.6  14.8  13.3  23.0   2.5
 6. 96-34-119-142.static.unas.tx.charter.com                            0.0%    25   26.7  27.8  26.7  36.3   1.8
 7. crr02kgpttn-bue-204.kgpt.tn.charter.com                             0.0%    25   26.9  28.7  26.9  35.6   2.5
 8. crr02spbgsc-bue-201.spbg.sc.charter.com                             0.0%    25   32.6  34.7  32.5  42.9   3.3
 9. bbr01spbgsc-bue-4.spbg.sc.charter.com                               0.0%    25   41.6  38.1  33.5  47.3   3.8
10. bbr01gnvlsc-bue-800.gnvl.sc.charter.com                            37.5%    25   43.8  47.6  43.8  53.1   2.4
11. bbr01aldlmi-tge-0-0-0-13.aldl.mi.charter.com                       28.0%    25   63.1  66.6  60.4  77.0   4.4
12. bbr02ashbva-bue-5.ashb.va.charter.com                              20.8%    25   63.7  65.8  61.1  75.8   3.2
13. bbr02chcgil-bue-3.chcg.il.charter.com                              20.0%    25   84.6  86.4  81.6  99.8   4.2
14. bbr01olvemo-bue-2.olve.mo.charter.com                              24.0%    25   85.3  84.0  79.0  86.3   2.1
15. bbr01dnvrco-bue-1.dnvr.co.charter.com                              32.0%    25  102.6 105.7 102.4 117.4   3.7
16. bbr02snjsca-bue-2.snjs.ca.charter.com                              24.0%    25  143.3 134.0 128.8 143.3   3.8
17. prr01snjsca-bue-6.snjs.ca.charter.com                              33.3%    25  128.9 130.9 128.9 145.3   4.4
18. 96-34-154-7.static.unas.ca.charter.com                             28.0%    25  138.3 130.9 129.6 138.3   1.9
19.                                                     20.0%    25  144.9 351.8 130.8 1903. 527.0
20.                                                     32.0%    25  130.2 136.6 129.5 180.3  13.4
21.                                                        16.0%    25  152.2 153.6 150.8 165.7   3.3
22.                                                        12.0%    25  159.6 166.0 151.5 189.7  10.6
23.                                                        24.0%    25  150.8 151.8 150.3 157.4   1.6
24.                                                       32.0%    25  154.0 164.5 153.5 183.3  10.3
25.                                                       45.8%    25  152.3 153.3 151.7 161.4   2.5
26.                                                    20.8%    25  155.3 155.2 153.1 163.4   2.4
27. ???

I attempted to give this information to the front-line support, they really didn't want it / know what to do with it.  (see https://xkcd.com/806/)


Duane Waddle
Defense Point Security
duane.waddle at defpoint.com
+1 931-215-4425


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