[outages] Lumen issues between East Coast and West Coast?

Anurag Bhatia me at anuragbhatia.com
Tue Jul 9 05:29:16 EDT 2024

(Seems like my last message is on hold for moderation)

I see the issue is resolved just now. It was there from 1:30 am to 9:16 am

On Tue, Jul 9, 2024 at 2:11 PM Anurag Bhatia <me at anuragbhatia.com> wrote:

> Since 1:30am UTC - I am getting massive 800ms latency on EU -> US East >
> US West routing over Lumen AS3356.
> Wonder if it's just me (my endpoints) or anyone else getting these issues
> as well?
> mtr from my server in Germany to Lumen in California:
>   1. AS51167  ip-1-75-136-213.static.contabo.net (
> 1.0%   100    6.3   2.0   0.3  12.5   2.7
>   2. AS???                                               1.0%
>   100    6.9   2.4   0.3  17.1   3.0
>   3. AS3356   lag-104-951.ear3.Frankfurt1.Level3.net (
> 0.0%   100    8.8  10.2   8.1  29.9   4.0
>   4. AS3356   ae43.3221.ebr2.frf1.neo.colt.net (
>  0.0%   100    8.9  10.2   8.3  29.1   3.8
>   5. AS3356   ae3.3.ebr4.frf1.neo.colt.net (
>  0.0%   100   10.7  10.9   8.3  28.7   4.5
>   6. AS3356   ae49.49.ebr1.dus1.neo.colt.net (
>  0.0%   100   12.1  13.5  11.7  33.5   3.9
>   7. AS3356   ae10.10.ebr3.dus1.neo.colt.net (
>  0.0%   100   11.7  11.7  11.5  11.9   0.1
>   8. AS3356   ae1.100.ebr4.dus1.neo.colt.net (
>  0.0%   100   11.7  11.7  11.6  12.1   0.1
>   9. AS3356   ae49.49.ebr3.ams1.neo.colt.net (
> 0.0%   100   14.7  14.6  14.5  14.9   0.1
>  10. AS3356   ae1.100.ebr4.ams1.neo.colt.net (
>  0.0%   100   14.7  14.6  14.6  15.0   0.1
>  11. AS3356   ae47.47.ebr4.lon1.neo.colt.net (
>  0.0%   100   21.3  21.2  21.1  21.4   0.1
>  12. AS3356   ae1.100.ebr3.lon1.neo.colt.net (
>  0.0%   100   21.2  21.2  21.1  27.0   0.6
>  13. AS3356   ae48.48.ebr3.lon2.neo.colt.net (
>  0.0%   100   21.3  21.3  21.1  23.5   0.2
>  14. AS3356   ae43.43.ebr1.nyc6.level3.net (
>  0.0%   100   90.3  90.3  90.1  90.6   0.1
>  15. AS3356   ae9.9.ebr3.NewYork6.level3.net (
> 0.0%   100   90.7  91.7  90.3 104.3   2.5
>  16. AS3356   ae1.11.ebr4.NewYork6.level3.net (
> 0.0%   100  105.4  91.7  90.3 105.5   2.6
>  17. AS3356   ae10.10.ebr1.SanJose1.level3.net (
>  1.0%   100  804.5 800.9 669.2 871.6  46.6
>  18. AS3356   ae1.0.ebr2.SanJose1.level3.net (
>  0.0%   100  819.3 802.1 667.4 879.3  47.5
>  19. AS3356   ae2.30.bear2.Sacramento1.level3.net (
>  11.0%   100  825.1 801.5 668.0 865.0  45.1
>  20. AS3356   system.0.bear1.Sacramento1.level3.net (
>  0.0%   100  821.3 800.5 662.7 865.9  47.1
> Thanks.
> --
> Anurag Bhatia
> anuragbhatia.com

Anurag Bhatia
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