[outages] Kenya disruption

ml-outages at zack-piper.com ml-outages at zack-piper.com
Tue Jun 25 21:02:27 EDT 2024

"⚠️ Confirmed: Live network data show a major disruption to internet 
connectivity in #Kenya; the incident comes amidst a deadly crackdown by 
police on #RejectFinanceBill2024 protesters a day after authorities 
claimed there would be no internet shutdown 📉"


"The ongoing internet disruption has impacted Kenya as well as 
neighboring countries including Uganda and Burundi; the incident is 
likely to limit coverage of events on the ground where protests are held 


"ℹ️ While Kenyan network operator Safaricom now states that two of its 
undersea cables have experienced outages, the root cause of the current 
internet disruption remains unexplained at the present time."

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