Hi.<br><br>I am using static clips. Here is config:<br><br>[static]Redback#sh conf<br>Building configuration...<br><br>Current configuration:<br>!<br>context static<br>!<br> no ip domain-lookup<br>!<br> interface lena multibind<br>
ip address <a href=""></a><br>!<br> subscriber name 00:0c:29:84:db:13<br> ip address<br> qos policy policing 1m_p<br> qos policy metering 1m_m<br>!<br> ip route <a href=""></a> context bgp<br>
!<br>...........<br>port ethernet 2/3<br> no shutdown<br> encapsulation dot1q<br> dot1q pvc 8<br> bind subscriber 00:0c:29:84:db:13@static<br> service clips<br>!<br>end<br><br>So, host gets access to the Internet with specified qos parameters. But MAC address, specified as subscriber's username, does not affect on anything. Host authenticated by IP address, not by MAC address.<br>
<br>Can I authenticate subscribers by MAC address? Or at least bind MAC address to subscriber (for example, by MAC-ACL).<br><br>WBR, <br>Ilya Savin<br>