[sysmon-help] conf error

Leonardo Saavedra Henriquez leo@ubiobio.cl
Thu, 12 Sep 2002 13:29:08 -0400 (CLT)

Hi all
I have aproblem with my sysmon configuration file

In my /usr/local/etc/sysmon.conf:

object mulder {
        ip "200.x.y.z";
        type ping;
        desc "mulder";
        dep "200.x.y.zz";

object zafiro {
        ip "146.x.y.z";
        type ping;
        desc "Fac. de Ciencias.";
        contact "leo@ubiobio.cl";

But when i try to start, show me:
mulder:/usr/local/etc# start-stop-daemon --start --exec
sysmond: 13:27:20 No quotes on line 1, some are needed to enclose root
sysmond: 13:27:20 object zafiro has no relationship. It will not be
sysmond: 13:27:20 object mulder has no relationship. It will not be
sysmond: 13:27:20 Starting System Monitor version v0.91.12
System Monitor version v0.91.12
/usr/local/bin/sysmond started on mulder
sysmond: 13:27:20 no configured root?
forked process as pid 2506
mulder:/usr/local/etc# sysmond: 13:27:21 no configured root?
sysmond: 13:27:22 no configured root?
sysmond: 13:27:23 no configured root?

But i have a root >:

what's wrong?


| Leonardo Saavedra Henriquez      |    leo@ubiobio.cl |
| Est. Ing Civil en Informatica    |    U. del Bio-Bio |
May the UID 0 be with You!