[VoiceOps] Regarding Matter of Quality

Chet Curry CCurry at telovations.com
Thu Jan 20 13:10:57 EST 2011

We use Palladion from IPTEGO. We looked at the entire market vendors for monitoring tools and this was head and shoulders above the rest.

Specifically addressing your requirements, all calls and speech quality measurements and also the actual RTP if you want, is recorded in the database going back days or months if you require. So you can go back and find dropped calls. It will specifically detect the dropped call if signaling is not seen for a specified number of seconds. Alternatively you could look for a dropout of speech quality

In addition to your other requirements, it obviously does MOS, packet loss and jitter etc. It has a nice message flow diagram, to trace a call from different geographic locations in your network. This is accessed from a simple drill down from the summary information. Also it can scale to very high volumes. It uses standard Linux hardware, so you can drop another quad/HEX core blade into your box and you are good to go

unfortunately, it doesn't make the coffee. But it's cheaper than running these measurements on a network device such as an SBC etc.

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