[VoiceOps] SIP trunks to a Zultys MX250 anyone?

Gabriel Gunderson gabe at gundy.org
Tue Oct 16 17:51:51 EDT 2012

On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 12:54 PM, Sanjay Srinivasan <
ssrinivasan at telesphere.com> wrote:

> I have a customer opportunity to deliver SIP trunks to a Zultys MX 250 IP
> PBX. In the world of IP PBXs, that name is not one I run in to a lot.

The internets seem to *suggest* that it's based on Asterisk. I'm sure
you've run into that ;)  I'd guess that the underlying SIP stack behaves
exactly the same (regardless of the features they've layered on top or the
color its LEDs).

Let us know if you find out differently.

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