[VoiceOps] High Quality, Reliable Voice via the Internet / SIPNOC

PE peeip989 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 9 17:30:04 EDT 2014

>  1. For packets from the ITSP to the customer: override the default BGP
routing to choose an alternate route
Interesting idea. Who's doing this and how is it working for you? Are you
using static routes or altering BGP? Other?

>  2. Increase the ptime from 20 ms to 30-40 ms to reduce packet-drop
Alex B may be right on this. Hard to speculate without hard evidence with
lots of volume to back it up. I do know, however, that some carriers
(Verizon comes to mind) will not support anything other than 20ms, so it is
easier to standardize on a single ptime rather than try to customize each

>  3. EdgeWater brings us this one: actively manage TCP streams from
Internet to CPE to provide better quality for Voice.
Are they suggesting SIP over TCP or some other out-of-band TCP to help
manage quality to the endpoint. While we have a small amount of SIP/TCP
going on to support older BLF integrations, I am not a fan. It adds
overhead to the core (SBC) and also means that an SBC switch from active to
standby will drop the device.

On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 2:50 PM, Mark R Lindsey <lindsey at e-c-group.com>

> At SIPNOC this week, we're having a "Birds of a Feather" session on
> delivering quality voice services across the public Internet.
> A few techniques to make voice across the Internet better:
> 1. For packets from the ITSP to the customer: override the default BGP
> routing to choose an alternate route
> 2. Increase the ptime from 20 ms to 30-40 ms to reduce packet-drop exposure
> 3. EdgeWater brings us this one: actively manage TCP streams from Internet
> to CPE to provide better quality for Voice.
> So what OTHER techniques are there? Which techniques don't work?
> Yeah, it's the Internet. It's going to have failures. You're going to have
> bad days. But surely there are ways to improve the odds.
> >>> mark at ecg.co +1-229-316-0013 http://ecg.co/lindsey
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