[VoiceOps] Unique DIDs vs. Custom extensions

Jared Smith jaredsmith at jaredsmith.net
Tue Sep 15 18:40:22 EDT 2015

On Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 11:58 AM, Rafael Possamai <rafaelpossa at gmail.com>

> With all of this in mind, I'd like to know if anyone here has done a
> similar project and would be willing to share their experience. I am trying
> to accomplish everything with the minimum amount of resources as possible
> (money and DIDs, etc).

I helped consult on a similar system eight or nine years ago -- at the
time, my client used Asterisk with PRI channels instead of SIP channels,
because of the ability to do a two-B-channel transfer and cut himself out
of the middle of the call after the connecting the caller to the called
party.  Asterisk can initiate the two-B-channel transfer, but as far as I
know doesn't yet do anything with the message coming back down the PRI
letting it know when the call has terminated.  (Well, that's not entirely
true -- Asterisk logs an error message, so I assume it wouldn't be too hard
to actually connect that up to some sort of better logging to be able to
determine the call duration.)

It may not make sense in your situation, but I thought I'd pass that along
as one way of not having to pay for so many minutes.

Jared Smith
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