[VoiceOps] Mailman 'Reply-To' munging (was: Re: 9-8-8 dialing [...])

Carlos Alvarez caalvarez at gmail.com
Tue Jul 19 19:29:41 EDT 2022

If I do a reply on this list, it always puts the sender as the recipient,
not the list.  This is remarkably stupid.  If I do a reply-all then it puts
the list on CC and the sender in TO.

On Tue, Jul 19, 2022 at 1:03 AM Nathan Anderson via VoiceOps <
voiceops at voiceops.org> wrote:

> Nathan Anderson wrote:
> > (Quick off-topic note: did some setting on VoiceOps mailman get changed
> > halfway through the morning?  "From:" now shows voiceops list address
> > instead of original sender's -- which I'm fine with -- but then
> > "Reply-To" is getting added and set to sender.  So I now have to add
> > voiceops address to "To:" or "CC:" manually if I want my reply to go to
> > the list.  Not cool.)
> $%@#$%!#$
> https://mail.python.org/pipermail/mailman-users/2014-August/077673.html
> Sounds to me like 'from_is_list' now == 'munged', and this is how Outlook
> behaves in this situation.
> Rrrrgh,
> -- Nathan
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