Hi,<br><br>We in the Honeynet Project has been following this for the last 4-5 months. We call it sundayddr because of the User-Agent.<br><br>Ben in Australia has written more about it here:<br><a href="http://honeynet.org.au/">http://honeynet.org.au/</a><br>
<br>I have also written about it here (back in July)<br><a href="http://www.usken.no/2010/07/using-botnets-to-do-sip-scanning/">http://www.usken.no/2010/07/using-botnets-to-do-sip-scanning/</a><br><br>It is a botnet client with both a SSH and a SIP scanner (based on SIPVicious by Sandro Gauci) (<a href="http://www.sipvicious.org">www.sipvicious.org</a>)<br>
<br>Most infected machines doing this scanning are located in China<br><br><br>contact me if you need any more information.<br><br>cheers<br>sjur<br><a href="http://www.usken.no">www.usken.no</a><br><br>