If I have multiple copies of polycom firmware on a server (in different directories, of course), is there any way to know what version it is? The phones seem to be able to tell by downloading the 4k, but I don't see a firmware version.There appears to be header info in the file but nothing that tells me explicitly that this is, for example, v3.3.1. Even the phone type is cryptic (8388608 = 450?)<div>
<br></div><div><br></div><div><div># strings /tmp/2345-12450-001.bootrom.ld | more</div><div>%r;0</div><div>BootRom</div><div>04-Jun-10 17:08</div><div>4.3.0</div><div>Iter=A;BuildID=0246;SigKey=8;Config=11;Cpu=8;Dsp=32;Flash=41344;Gpio=1048576;Key=1056768;Lcd=262144;PhoneType=8388608;Phy=16;TargetF</div>
<div>8f9fa57987bd925f476f7e0f56f83376491fbedffe3f17c;</div><div>Copyright (c) 2000-2010 Polycom, Inc.</div></div><div><br></div><div>#### A BUNCH OF UNREADABLE BINARY STUFF FOLLOWS</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>
Anyone have an easy way to tell the version (without having to boot a phone from it)?</div><div><br></div><div>Thanks</div>