RE: requirements sub-group draft

From: Piet Van Mieghem (P.VanMieghem@ITS.TUDelft.NL)
Date: Tue Jan 15 2002 - 03:39:00 EST

As Olivier, Joel and others have already remarked, confinement to a single
routing paradigm
(without very clear arguments) is likely to prevent progress.

And, if the Internet community decides to introduce end-to-end QoS routing
(in the sense of muliple constraints routing) it seems extremely hard to do
in a hop-by-hop way even with an exact multiple constraints routing
algorithm and with
optimal topology update strategies.

Piet Van Mieghem

[See e.g. Van Mieghem, P., H. De Neve and F. Kuipers, 2001, "Hop-by-hop
Quality of Service Routing", Computer Networks, vol. 37. No 3-4, pp.

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