Re: Clarification on Multicast

From: Hal Peterson (
Date: Mon Mar 25 2002 - 12:06:15 EST

>>>>> "Tony" == Tony Li <> writes:
    Tony> Of course, it only matters that we provide it if someone is
    Tony> actually going to use it. Today, this is not obvious.

It's certainly (obviously, painfully) true that there are no widely
deployed multicast applications on the public Internet. That doesn't
reflect lack of demand, rather it's because of lack of deployed
infrastructure. If everybody on the net with broadband access were
also reachable by multicast, services like would become
far more attractive to provide: they would scale as N(streams) rather
than as N(listeners).

If you're proposing to build a bridge, don't estimate the number of
people who will use it by counting the number who currently swim
across the river.

Hal Peterson                                    cisco Systems
                                                St Paul, MN, USA

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