[c-nsp] Network merging: factors to be considered

Zaheer Aziz zaziz at cisco.com
Mon Sep 6 02:21:27 EDT 2004

At 04:20 AM 9/4/2004 +0530, Amol Sapkal wrote:
>Need to know what you guys think of this:

There are several techniques depending on the circumstances.

Few Q?
1)Will the new network be under one control?
2)Any overlapping Private IP addresses?
3)Running two different IGPs (could you specify which ones) may pose some 
    with training, redistributions, loops etc.
4)Can BGP can considered as an option to glue the two networks together?

This should be a good start


>If I got 2 networks, that need to merged, both running different IGPs
>what would be the design considerations?
>Considering redistribution as an option, what would be the obstacles and 
>What would be an alternative to redistribution?
>Warm Regds,
>Amol Sapkal
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