[c-nsp] 10Gb for VSAN

Michael Malitsky malitsky at netabn.com
Tue Jul 24 18:02:16 EDT 2018

I have a Cat 4506 (Sup7L-E) serving a medium-sized business.  We are looking to overhaul the server side and add VSAN on 4-5 hosts, for which we'll need a handful (8-10) 10Gb ports.  I see the only option for the 4506 chassis is the 4712-SFP module, and the combination seems underwhelming, even before I look up the pricing.
As I understand it, the TOR option from Cisco would be a Nexus, which seems overkill for the application?

For those who have invented this wheel already, please share the wisdom.
For now, I am seriously considering putting in a 10Gb Ubiquity switch...

Michael Malitsky

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