[c-nsp] Leaked Video or Not (Linux and Cisco for internal Sales folks)

Tails Pipes tailsnpipes at gmail.com
Thu Jun 21 20:49:26 EDT 2018

I went to CiscoLive last week, and i understood that they are definitely
not making sense with the defense against open source and the direction of
LBN (Linux Based Networking) However, they still like to use Linux and make
money out of it. (minute 09:13), complete and utter bullish hypocrisy.

Not sure if this is a leaked video or not, but i am kind of surprised that
this company is openly admitting these kind of ideas.

What really ticked me to share this is when the executive in the video
(Chuck Duffy) is openly admitting the competitive pressure, and how IOS is
inferior to Linux (minute 01:07), the way he spoke about IOS was inferring
that its classic or legacy and thats why its picked up in all their

What i wasnt able to comprehend at all is why he mentioned Big switch and
cumulus on minute 02:50, is this like a slip of truth or a real defining
moment of a vendor’s life saying that  open stuff is a disruptive
architecture ?

Is Cisco moving to. subscription model because of Linux ? Is it that
difficult to change Cisco to go Linux all the way ?

ps. : it will probably be taken down soon.

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