[cisco-voip] 7935\7936 IP Conf Unit & XML Corp Directory

tomlemay at adelphia.net tomlemay at adelphia.net
Tue Jun 20 12:42:00 EDT 2006

Recently, we had a request to "merge or expand" two separate Call Manager directories from two separate clusters.  A search in the discussion forum on the CCO web page identified the XML script below to accomplish this request.  The only problem is the 7940\60\70g IP phones can all access both diretories from the directories button on the phone.  no problem.  But, users on the 7935\7936 conference units press the corporate directory button, key in a name and press the search button; they get "Server not found."  Can anyone with XML experience look atthe script below and explain what error is present or code that is missing which would prevent the 7935\36 units from finding the server?  Thanks in advance, Tom   

"I have done this in our environment. It is fairly easy. Just find the xmldirectory.asp file on your Call Manager and add a Menuitem to it. Here is what mine looks like. You won't need any type of authentication, just the URL. In this example I change the name "Corporate Directory" to "Balt Corporate Directory" and added "NY Corporate Directory" 

<!-- #include file="_top.asp" --> 

function getBaseURL() 
var scriptName = Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") ; 
var endloc = String(scriptName).lastIndexOf("/") ; 
var baseURL = "http://" + 
String(Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME")) + 
String(scriptName).substr(0, endloc + 1) ; 
return baseURL ; 
var name = String(Request.QueryString("Name").Item); 
Response.ContentType = "text/xml"; 
Response.Buffer = true; 
//Response.Write("<CiscoIPPhoneMenu>\r\n<Prompt>Select a directory</Prompt>\r\n<MenuItem>\r\n<Name>Balt Corporate Directory</Name>\r\n<URL>" + getBaseURL() + "xmldirectoryinput.asp</URL>\r\n</MenuItem>\r\n</CiscoIPPhoneMenu>"); 
<Prompt><% = outputString( dictionary.xmldirectoryMsgPagePrompt, "dictionary.xmldirectoryMsgPagePrompt" ) %></Prompt> 
<Name><% = outputString( dictionary.lblCorporateDirectory, "dictionary.lblCorporateDirectory" ) %></Name> 
<URL><% = getBaseURL() %>xmldirectoryinput.asp</URL> 
<Name>NY Corporate Directory</Name> 

catch (err) 
Response.Write(dictionary.msgGeneralError + " ( "+ name + " )"); 
Response.AppendToLog(name + ":" + err.number + ":" + err.description); 

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