[cisco-voip] Max CDR Records

Robert Singleton rsingleton at morsco.com
Mon Aug 27 10:05:32 EDT 2007

On Fri, 2007-08-24 at 15:16 -0500, Keith Klevenski wrote:

>  Silly me, I thought I’ve been keeping CDRs for a year when actually I
> only had 6 weeks worth so I was just going to run a simple SQL query
> and give them exactly what they wanted.  Not.
> I guess 1.5 mil is the recommended setting for a reason.  20 mil CDRs
> on box is silly I guess.  It just forces me to lean more on Infortel
> which I do not like.  K

I faced a similar problem and only recently started doing something I
should have been doing all along, archiving my CDRs on another server.

I have not as yet written a script to put them on another SQL, but what
I'm archiving is the results of a "select * from CallDetailRecord" and
"select * from CallDetailRecordDiagnostic" daily. The cron job runs at
04:00 each day and most days are about 3.5MB compressed. I started the
automatic process on Jun 1 and manually archived what was existing at
that time, so I have daily captures back to April 18.

I also found it handy to know what range of CDRs are available and wrote
a quick script that gets min(dateTimeOrigination) and
max(dateTimeOrigination) and returns them in human readable format.


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