[j-nsp] Smallest Juniper capable of moving 5M packet per second ?

Mr. James W. Laferriere babydr at baby-dragons.com
Tue Sep 5 23:05:01 EDT 2006

 	Hello All ,  As you can tell from the subject matter I am here to 
pest^H^H^Hick your brains .

 	I have a customer that will have a network that will be passing very
near if not over 5M packets per second ,  a goodly portion of these could 
easily be in the 64Byte to 384Byte size range .  Thus the standard Giga/Mega 
bits per second measures that everyone uses aren't of great value .  Especially 
since all routers/switches are measured in PPS .  nuf said there .

 	I'll need to have at least 4GE interfaces & 4FE interfaces .  Since the 
port count wasn't all that high I was thinking of the M10i or the venerable M20 
.  My only problem is the M20 uses an older FPC than the M10i can .  If my 
memory serves me ,  the older FPC is only capable of 3.2Mpps .  While the newer 
FPC that can beused in the M10i is at least twice that .

 	The other bite is the device has to be 120Vac .  And be able to be fully 
redundant ,  ie: if Router 'A' passes away Router 'B' is johnny on the spot .

 	And of course the unit has to cost near nothing .  But we know where 
that goes .  Any questions comments welcome on or off list ,  But probably best 
that they be off list .
 		Tia ,  JimL
| James   W.   Laferriere |   System    Techniques   | Give me VMS     |
| Network        Engineer | 3600 14th Ave SE #20-103 |  Give me Linux  |
| babydr at baby-dragons.com |  Olympia ,  WA.   98501  |   only  on  AXP |

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