Gizmodo Banned from WWDC

Gizmodo has been banned from WWDC 2010, and it sure seems like they’re going down the “Please-Hurt-Me” path. They are looking to violate the “hot news doctrine” which has been decided case law since 1918 (248 U.S. 215).

They are going to aggregate and re-publish other “hot news” from their competitor blogs. This was ruled illegal then, and surely applies in this case where they were BANNED and can not blog live legitimately.

Should be interesting to see what happens tomorrow.

2 Responses to “Gizmodo Banned from WWDC”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by jared mauch, jared mauch. jared mauch said: Gizmodo banned from WWDC 2010, but wants to violate 28 US 215 – […]

  2. They weren’t banned, they just weren’t given a free press pass (they could have purchased a WWDC pass with keynote access and liveblogged it if they had wanted to).