RE: PIX config problem

From: Greene, Patrick (
Date: Wed Jun 05 2002 - 12:06:21 EDT

The PIX is not a router...that's what you are asking it to do.

Patrick J Greene

-----Original Message-----
From: Michal Mertl []
Sent: Monday, June 03, 2002 7:08 AM
Subject: PIX config problem

I'm building IPsec VPN using PIX 515 as hub a 1751 a spokes. I want to centralize all Internet access on PIX. I have 3 interfaces on the PIX - private network of HQ, DMZ and external. I thought I would configure the tunnels on PIX, the decrypted traffic would than be routed - when destined for Internet PAT translated. It seems it may not be possible to configure according to "Cisco Secure PIX Firewall FAQ" and question 'Can I operate the PIX in a "one armed" configuration?'.

The error I get is "106011: Deny inbound (No xlate)
icmp src outside: dst (type 8, code 0)".

The topology of the hub-site is this (numbers are security levels):

After more diging the docs seem to indicate that it's impossible to build hub and spoke network where everyone can communicate with each other with PIX ( I find it hard to believe. Please tell me that's not the case or I'm completely screwed.

I've already found that Internet access is possible with four interfaces.

Michal Mertl
Specialist IP Service Development
KPNQwest Czechia s.r.o.
GTS Czech a.s.
Vinohradska 184
130 52 Praha 3
Tel.: +420 2 96157111
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