[nsp] 6500 Native or Hybrid ( was [nsp] Cat 6500... what is really pos sible together...)

From: Cisco List (cisco-list@avistacom.net)
Date: Tue Feb 05 2002 - 20:23:51 EST

What is the general feeling from those running 65XXs in production regarding
Hybrid CatOS/IOS or Native IOS? We have had several running in Hybrid mode
and are working on some network reconfiguration at this time. Part of the
reconfig is upgrades to the 6500s so we could easily move from Hybrid to
Native as part of those upgrades. Our feeling so far is that in a service
provider environment, where we are doing Internet access as well as Metro
Area Ethernet service, the Hybrid mdoe has looked more attractive. This has
largely been due to some of the spanning-tree controls etc. that have been
steadily improving in the CatOS. But, it has appeared as though Native IOS
has also been improving.

We'll also pose this question to our Cisco account team but thought we would
see what many of the folks on this list thought.

Thanks in advance,

Chad Skidmore
Director, IP & Data Operations
Avista Communications

-----Original Message-----
From: Dmitri Kalintsev [mailto:dek@hades.uz]
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2002 3:11 PM
To: cisco-nsp@puck.nether.net
Subject: Re: [nsp] Cat 6500... what is really possible together...

One major point is the decision on either you're going to use it in native
or hybrid mode. If later is chosen, it may introduce some interesting
problems with NetFlow statistics, should you wish to gather them.

Just a point to be aware of.


 CCNP, CCDP (R&S)                          Dmitri E. Kalintsev
 CDPlayer@irc               Network Architect @ connect.com.au
 dek @ connect.com.au    phone: +61 3 9674 3913 fax: 9251 3666
 http://-UNAVAIL-         UIN:7150410    cell: +61 414 821 382

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