Is there a special trick to getting a non telco DS3 (i.e. two coax cables
that I ran in the same room between two routers/DSUs, flipping the
transmit and receive on one side) to work ?
in rtra I have a 2 port POET card configured like this;
interface Serial1/0
description null DS3 to rtrb-h0-0
ip address
no ip directed-broadcast
encapsulation ppp
framing c-bit (also tried m13)
cablelength 50
dsu bandwidth 44210
dsu mode 1 (also tried dsu mode 0)
clock source line
in rtrb I have a kentrox SMDSU configured like this;
DSU mode
CLK:I (internal timing, should provide clock on the DS3)
access class 5 (does this matter ?)
HSSI port active
Framing C-BIT (also tried M13)
Low power transmit
no recv eq
CRC 16
the HSSI interface on this box looks like this;
interface Hssi0/0
description null DS3 to rtra-s1-0
ip address
no ip directed-broadcast
encapsulation ppp
Carrier has always been up, line protocol never comes up, and I can only
see output on the interface of both sides. I tried reversing the coax and
running a few local loop tests to see if perhaps I have a bad peice of
cable .. no dice.. same thing.
any ideas ?
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